Spread Simcha to IDF Soldiers and Displaced Families
with Yisrael Hatzair

In loving memory of Meir Mishkoff z"l

About Meir z"l   About American Friends of IDF Rabbinate

The deadline for ordering has now passed - Thank you for your support. Wishing you a Happy Purim!
  • Due to the ongoing war in Israel, we are offering a few different opportunities to help provide Purim simcha to displaced families from the North and South of Israel in addition to IDF soldiers across the country.
  • We will also be supporting vendors directly affected by the war as much as possible.
  • Unfortunately, based on the current situation, we are unable to offer delivery of Mishloach Manot to family and friends living in Israel this year.
  • 100% of proceeds to benefit projects of the IDF Rabbinate

Please take full advantage of the additional options at this critical time for Am Yisrael.

Thank you for your support!