Spread Simcha to IDF Soldiers and Displaced Families
with Yisrael Hatzair

In loving memory of Meir Mishkoff z"l

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  • Due to the ongoing war in Israel, we are offering a few different opportunities to help provide Purim simcha to IDF soldiers serving in Gaza, Lebanon and throughout Israel, displaced/resettled families from the North and South of Israel who have been away from their homes for more than a year and support injured soldiers and their families.
  • We will also be supporting vendors directly affected by the war as much as possible.
  • Unfortunately, based on the current situation, we are unable to offer delivery of Mishloach Manot to family and friends living in Israel this year.
  • Deadline is Sunday March 9, 2025
  • 100% of proceeds to benefit projects of the IDF Rabbinate

Please take full advantage of the additional options at this critical time for Am Yisrael.

Thank you for your support!


Purim Order Form:

Donation Opportunities

Mishloach Manot package for IDF soldiers
$20 each
Enhanced Mishloach Manot package for a Displaced Family
$55 each
Mitzvot Purim for injured soldiers and their families
The package will include food for a family Purim Seuda, Mishloach Manot for children and additional funds for Matanot L'evyonim.
$100 each
Matanot L'evyonim - enter any amount


Donor Information

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Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter your shipping address.
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ZIP code is required.


Full name as displayed on card
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Expiration month is required
Expiration year is required
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Watch highlights from past deliveries to IDF bases

Thank you letters from soldiers:

My name is Yochai, I serve in the Gaza Intelligence Division. I would like to thank you for the  special mishloach manot. - you have no idea how much it improved our holiday and helped us  feel a little Purim at the base! May you continue to bring joy to Klal Yisrael!
With blessings "There was gladness and joy among the Jews, a feast and a holiday.“
Great appreciation for the mishloach manot deliveries.
It Warmed our hearts and improved our mood.
We are very grateful,
Medicine Command Division

Thank you very much for the mishloach manot! You have warmed our hearts!
From combat soldiers Achi Kidon 3 (Israeli Navy)

We wanted to thank you for the mishloach manot! You made me and my unit so happy and made  our evening at the base sweet and delicious!
Thank you so much for the mishloach manot we were happy to receive. Have a happy and  heartfelt Purim holiday
Squadron Command soldiers

On Purim we received a pampering mishloach manot for the soldiers, officers and warrant  officers in the Gaza Division, we wanted to say thank you very much, it warms our hearts at such  a difficult time to receive such a gift, we are very appreciative you are doing a great service.

Thank you so much for the mishloach manot. It made us so happy to receive these packages for  the navy soldiers on the naval ship.

We are cadets serving on a seamanship course that is currently sailing on the missile ships of the  3rd Fleet in the Navy called Achi Spear. We were very excited and happy to receive the  mishloach manot delivery! A sweet moment reminding us that people are thinking of us as we  serve for a month at the base without leave. It warmed our hearts. Thank you!
Wishing you a lot of health and quiet in this difficult time. 
All the best!
Yotam, Itai and Assaf